ContactContact information of Domaine Patrice & Ferrari

Find here all the information to contact us and / or visit us at Domaine Patrice & Ferrari. Reminder, here are our opening hours : Monday to Saturday 09:30 to 12:00 AM and 02:00 to 06:30 PM Closed sunday & public holidays Possibilities by appointment.

Contact form

Please leave us a message on this contact form for any questions.

Data collecte with this form will be recorded in a computed system by Domaine PATRICE & FERRARI, Digital Protection Officer, for contact purpose and all other business relation. Data will be stored for 3 years, and be exclusively used by Domaine PATRICE & FERRARI. ion, Data collected will not be ceased to any third party, except officially authorized parties. In accordance with the French 'Loi Informatique et Libertés' from January 6th 1978, and to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) from April 27th 2016, you have the right to access, oppose, modify and ask for portability, to all your data collected, by contacting us: Domaine PATRICE & FERRARI, 7 Chemin des Fossés 89290 Irancy.
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